Creating a new file

You can create a new .txt, .css, .go, .html, .js, .less, .php, .pl, .py, .qss, .rb, .scss, .sql, .ts, .twig, .volt, .xsl, .xml, .yaml file.

The default shortcut for creating an empty .txt file: Ctrl+N


You can specify the default file encoding in Tools | Preferences | General or change it.

To create a new file

Option 1:

  1. Choose the File | New main menu item

  2. Choose the type of a new file from the drop-down list

Option 2:

  1. Click the New Document drop-down button on the Main toolbar

  2. Choose the type of a new file from the drop-down list

Creating files from a template

CodeLobster IDE lets you create the files with the original content appropriate for the file purpose. For example, there are file templates for HTML. Generally, the file extension for a template-based file is set automatically. For example, if you create a JavaScript file, it gets the .js extension; new CSS and LESS files get the .css and .less extensions respectively.


You can add a custom template with the special extension.

For example, to create a new .html file:

  • From the main menu, select File | New... , and then select HTML File from the list. CodeLobster IDE creates a stub file based on the HTML file template and opens it in the editor.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    		<meta charset="utf-8">

Adding a custom template file

You can edit basic templates or add custom templates with your extension and content. They will be available in the File create menu. CodeLobster IDE templates stored in the Templates folder (...user\AppData\Roaming\CodeLobsterIDE\Templates).

To add a new template file:

  1. Name the new template file as its extension. For example, Json.json, ADOC.adoc, ....

  2. Copy the template file to the Templates folder.

  3. Restart CodeLobster IDE application to apply changes.