Open a file

You can open an existing file in a new window. You can also open a few files at once.

Option 1:

  1. Open the File menu

  2. Choose the Open Document menu item

  3. Choose file(s)

  4. Click OK button

Option 2:

  1. Click the Open Document button on the Main toolbar

  2. Choose file(s)

  3. Click the OK button.


Default shortcut: Ctrl+O

Filter files by type in the Open Document menu. Select required file type from the Files of type dropdown list. Supported file types: *.xml *.xsl *.html *.shtml *.phtml *.htm *.tpl *.php *.php5 *.inc *.module *.install *.ctp *.js *.css *.txt *.ini *.info *.sql *.yml.

Select required encoding in the dropdown list. Encoding type is detected automatically from the selected file

The right section of the window shows the Preview, which displays the content of the selected file using the chosen encoding.


You can open a file via File Explorer.